General or framework collective agreements are agreements that regulate the basic working conditions of all employees in an industry. Collective agreements or collective agreements govern payments in a particular company or sector. The coal companies agreed to a collective agreement with UMWA, the National Accord on Coal Bituminous Wages of 1947 (1947 NBCWA), which established a multi-employer fund to provide pensions and medical benefits to coal workers and their families. A collective agreement is an agreement on working conditions such as wages and holidays between a company and a trade union („company collective agreement“) or between the employers` association of a particular sector and the trade union („sectoral collective agreement“). If a payroll deduction benefits the employee and the employer does not derive any profit or benefit from the deduction, a deduction is permitted that lowers the employee`s effective rate of pay below the minimum wage. There are other specific scenarios where deductions are allowed even if they lower the effective rate of pay below the minimum wage, including the deduction of federal, state, and local taxes that the employee must pay, certain scenarios related to meals and housing, and certain deductions related to loans that the employer grants to the employee. Most of these exceptions are fact-based and based on circumstances. Upon acceptance of the work order and, if applicable, the terms of the collective agreement, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment of any kind to comply with the conditions set forth herein. According to the parties, the agreement creates room for interest rate cuts, which increases the purchasing power of households and makes it easier for companies to cope with the wage increases required by the collective agreement. A compensation agreement should include information about the parties involved (employer and employee) and details about how the employee is paid for their work, such as hourly wage, annual salary, commission, etc. The agreement must also include the frequency with which the employee receives his or her salary, by . B monthly or every two weeks.

A compensation agreement is used by an employer to capture a negotiated change in an employee`s salary or salary potential. For example, after a new employee`s probationary period ends, employers and employees agree on a new salary amount in the form of a wage increase. Both parties could use a compensation agreement to document the change. Compliance with the minimum wage requirement is determined by dividing the total wage paid to the employee by the total number of hours worked during the week. In our example, if the employer deducted $50 from the employee`s wages for a work week, the result would be that the employee would be paid $240 for 40 hours of work, which would make his or her effective rate of pay $6.00 per hour. Therefore, such a wage deduction would be a violation of the minimum wage requirement of the RSA. In fact, in this scenario, the employer cannot deduct an amount from the employee`s salary, as this would reduce the employee`s wage rate below the minimum wage. First, employers should be aware that under Oklahoma law, an employer must have a written agreement signed by the employee for most payroll deductions to be legal. Oklahoma law only allows deductions that are not required by law or a court order for the following purposes: Under the RSA, the general rule is that payroll deductions for items/payments that are primarily considered for the benefit or convenience of the employer cannot lower an employee`s wage rate below minimum wage. Take the example mentioned above, where an employer provides a uniform to the employee and has the employee sign a payroll deduction agreement to reimburse the employer for the cost of the uniform.

For the purposes of this example, suppose the following: the uniform costs $50, the employee`s rate of pay is $7.25 per hour (the current minimum wage), and the employee works 40 hours per work week, so the employee`s salary is $290 per work week ($7.25 x $40). A collective agreement applies to your employment relationship if you are a member of the union, your employer is a member of the employers` association, and the union and the employers` association have negotiated a collective agreement. A collective agreement also applies if this is stated in your employment contract or if your employer belongs to an industry in which generally binding collective agreements apply (for example. B, building cleaning, security services, etc.). Ask the Fair Integration Advice Centre if a collective agreement applies to you. Therefore, employers should exercise caution when using payroll deduction agreements to ensure that an employee`s effective rate of pay is not lowered below the minimum wage requirement or the one-and-a-half-year overtime wage requirement. The same general rule applies to payroll deductions and overtime pay. If the payroll deduction benefits the employer, it is not permitted if it reduces an employee`s overtime rate (i.e., the wage of more than 40 hours per work week) to less than an hour and a half. A compensation agreement is usually introduced at a specific point in the period of employment (e.g. B after a probationary period or annual review process) to describe salary changes such as an increase or bonus, or even changes in non-monetary compensation, such as . B, additional leave or personal days. The agreement simply records the employee`s updated salary amount and other details related to their new pay terms.

The page you requested is not available. We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to help you find the information you need. Suppose the employee`s rate of pay is $7.75 per hour and they work 40 hours a week, which translates to a salary of $310 a week. In this scenario, the employer could legally deduct up to $0.50 for each hour worked by the employee during a work week, as this would not reduce the employee`s rate of pay to less than $7.25 per hour. Thus, if the employee worked 40 hours per week, the maximum amount the employer could deduct for that week was $20 ($0.50 x $40). If the employee worked 30 hours per week, the maximum amount the employer could deduct was $15 ($0.50 x $30). The employer could deduct the maximum amount each week for the number of weeks it takes for uniform expenses to be fully reimbursed. . Many employers require their employees to cover certain employment-related costs.

For example, an employer may require its employees to purchase work uniforms, goggles or other items for use in the workplace. Employers and employees often enter into the following agreement regarding these costs: the employer provides the items to the employee and the employee reimburses the employer at a later date. This agreement is often facilitated by the employee signing a payroll deduction agreement. A payroll deduction agreement allows an employer to deduct certain amounts from the employee`s paycheque. The crew collective agreement/MPW for the period 2012-2015 has been implemented. Disabled workers In addition to disabled pensioners who receive pension benefits and are therefore entitled to health benefits under paragraph B of this Article II, health benefits under Article III shall also be granted to any worker who: (3) receives sickness and accident benefits under the collective agreement or would receive them upon appropriate request. Unfortunately, many employers fall into the trap of thinking that the analysis is complete once they have received a valid payroll deduction agreement. But beware of employers! The Fair Labour Standards Act always hides in the shadows when it comes to compensation issues. For example, a sales representative may be eligible for a bonus if they exceed sales targets during a fiscal quarter. .